ingrained in dogmas
Eternal fire in hell, last judgement, sin, forgiveness, confession, virgin birth of a weak Christ, Adam and Eve, and others.

photo: The dogma of the last judgement with the resurrection of the dead, painted by Luca Signorelli (1450-1523)
Stories by churches and Bible writers
How much the human being on earth can understand is usually determined by the spirit of the times in which he lives.
The article ‘University of Christ’ explains that the masters kept adapting their inspirations to the recipient under guidance of Christ.
This is why Moses and the prophets received a forceful God who was able to protect the group of Moses against hostile tribes.
The article Bible writers’ explains that the human writers of the Bible had distorted the delivered stories to what they could understand themselves.
In addition, they added stories themselves in order to increase the omnipotence of God.
In his life as Jesus, Christ could not pass on his cosmic wisdom, so he used a universal imagery.
However, his apostles and the churches who explained his words and life, lacked the distinction between the divine truth and their own earthly thinking.
The churches did a great deal of good by bringing God and Christ to many people on earth.
However, by making ingrained dogmas out of the delivered stories, they tied many people to untruths.
In the Age of Christ, those untruths can now be analysed by means of the books from the University of Christ.
In this way, the ecclesiastical dogmas can be taken back to their origin: stories of ‘hearsay’.
Eternally burning fire in hell
The greatest dogma of all times is the doctrine that people can burn eternally in hell.
In the books that came to earth via Jozef Rulof, this doctrine is referred to with the terms ‘eternal damnation’ and ‘damnation’.
The masters encouraged Moses and the prophets not to carry out any actions which brought them into disharmony with life.
The human being of that time only stopped with those actions if he was to be punished severely by an all-seeing God.
Only due to a penetrating fear, some people began to bring their passions under control.
The masters had no other choice, the human being did not allow any other approach.
In the beginning, this approach worked, the followers of Moses started to critically examine and to curb their own deeds.
In this way, the first start was made for a spiritual awakening.
A small group of people started to live in peace with each other, as a result the murdering within this group was called to a halt.
However, when this ‘warning from God’ was passed on, the exaggeration began.
With each communication, the punishment by God was made greater, in order to give the story more power and illustration.
The human being added an eternal fire which tortures the sinner in a dreadful way but does not fully destroy him, so that the torture can go on continuously.
The human being could not think of anything more, that was the worst thing imaginable.
The fantasist storytellers did not feel that at the same time they had made God into a horrendous monster.
When Christ began his life as Jesus, this greatest dogma had already been completely calcified and ground in.
It had become that hard that He could no longer remove it with ten thousand words.
He could only give a counterbalance by introducing universal love.
This is why He spoke frequently about his Father of Love, but his audience could still not draw the conclusion from that, that the God of damnation did not exist and had never existed.
After his death too, there was not the slightest improvement in this.
On the contrary, many an apostle and ecclesiastical official blew the flames of the eternally burning fire even higher.
The churches found their means in this for keeping the believers in check and making them pay a great deal of money in order to avoid damnation.
Millions of believers felt the heaviness increasing.
If they showed a weakness for a moment, it could already be too late: perhaps it had already been enough for the eternal hellfire!
It denied the human being the courage to make the most of it, to begin again after a breakdown.
Many believers started to devote all of themselves to escaping the hellfire and securing a place in heaven, whereby they went above their human powers.
They read day and night in the Bible, constantly murmured their prayers, begged God uninterruptedly for forgiveness and neglected human feelings, which were part of their grade of feeling, decreased.
It drove many people to religious mania, the worst form of mania because the personality can dissolve completely into nothingness, into an unreal dogma.
This can overrun and oppress all the other character traits, so that people feel nothing anymore of life.
And when these believers then arrived in the Hereafter, they had still not lost their dogma!
There too, the dogma denied them the strength to reach inner progress.
Furthermore, they closed themselves off from the masters of the light who wanted to make it clear to them that their faith consisted of ecclesiastical nonsense.
They did not even believe that they had died on earth, because their church and Bible had told them nothing about the actual life in this astral sphere.
The suffering of all these people on earth and in the hereafter also affects the inhabitants of the spheres of light.
As long as people walk round with the most dreadful god of all times who punishes sinners more severely than any person on earth could, even Christ and his own in the All are not happy.
The more rarefied and more loving people become, the more people sense what oppresses the fellow human being.
Last judgement
Two days after the death of Jesus, upon the opening of his grave his body appeared to have disappeared.
Later, He appeared to his apostles with his spiritual body.
His resurrection was spiritual, but the earthly thinking has made a physical resurrection of it, with use of the body that lies in the grave.
According to the dogma of the last judgement, on the day of judgement God will physically collect all the deceased from the graves and allocate them a place in heaven or hell.
However, what must happen for instance to the prehistoric beings and all the others of whom there is not a bone left?
The articles ‘cause and effect’ and ‘karma’ explain that there is no external god who judges us, but there is an internal god, whom we also call ‘soul’.
When our action is not in harmony with life, our soul will correct that action in this or in a next life.
And if we pass on to the Hereafter, it is our own grade of feeling’ which brings us to a dark sphere or a sphere of light, according to the grade of love that we possess.
A weak Christ
The article ‘Jesus Christ’ sketches an image of the life and the message of Christ.
That is very different to the ecclesiastical image that was formed on the basis of the Bible.
The writers of the New Testament made Christ weak because they interpreted his words and actions according to their own earthly thinking.
Furthermore, they put words into Christ’s mouth which He has never spoken.
How could Christ have asked in Gethsemane to let the cup pass from him, when He already knew before his birth how his reincarnation would end?
The article ‘University of Christ’ describes the All-Consciousness with which Christ reincarnated.
The Bible writers did not know an All, they projected themselves in Gethsemane and wrote down what they themselves found normal.
They made a weak person of the divine conscious according to their own image and understanding.
For instance, they wrote that Christ reportedly said on the cross that He felt forsaken.
However, Christ had already left the feeling of abandonment behind for millions of years, He constantly felt his divine connection with all the life.
In the sources of the article ‘Jesus Christ’, the words have been recorded which He did indeed pronounce during his crucifixion.
He said: ‘I am that life. You originated from God. I am suffering for you.’
However, the human being did not understand that, and he turned this into Christ suffering instead of all people and at the same time taking away their sins.
The Bible writers and churches thought in terms of sins, for which a fall of man, a last judgement and an eternal damnation were thought up.
And people wanted rid of those sins, so Christ just had to take them over and wash them away.
It’s very easy, then people do not need to make amends for them themselves.
Possibly also making a confession and murmuring a few prayers, but then they thought that they were also rid of their sins for ever.
And in this way the story originated: Christ died for our sins, He gave his life in order to free us and became the Lamb of God in order to satisfy God.
However, the masters made it clear that Christ did not give his life, but that He was deliberately murdered.
Christ would much rather have continued to live in order to already bring his university to earth then, but people destroyed his body and thus denied him being able to speak.
And furthermore people also wanted to make a mercy of this killing.
That dead body of Christ also still had to put the crown on the head of his murderers.
They not only took away his blood and life force, now He also had to die for their sins and give them new life by forgiving them for all their sins.
However, the word ‘forgiving’ is not in the wordbook for space, nor the word ‘punishing’.
The most severe dogmas were based on the concept of ‘sin’.
The masters are very clear about this: no sins exist, there is only temporary disharmony which ultimately leads to awakening!
The explanation at soul level is after all very different to the earthly thinking in terms of sins.
If we bring ourselves into disharmony with another person by means of an action, then as a result of this we are also in disharmony with our own soul, which is in essence harmony.
At that moment, our soul is driving to undo that disharmony.
That is not possible via a church, confession box, a sacrament, a prayer or a forgiveness.
That is only possible when we actually give love where we previously brought darkness.
For this purpose, we must perform new acts, experience new lives, reincarnate again.
That requires our full commitment, to the last gram of strength that we have.
And then we reach a spiritual awakening which ultimately becomes universal love for all life.
Since sins do not exist, a great deal of stories immediately lapse.
Eternal damnation no longer has any ground, because there are no sins for which someone can be punished.
A last judgement has no more sins to judge.
Christ did not die for our sins, the world brutally murdered him.
Christ did not take away our sins either, because we will put right ourselves what we deformed.
What can people start to confess, if sins do not exist?
No Adam and Eve are needed any longer to allow the sin to exist, and the apple tree and the snake can keep their own naturalness.
Priests are no longer needed in order to forgive our sins.
Mary does not need to undergo any immaculate conception, because there are no stained sins which lead to motherhood and fatherhood.
Priests and nuns may get married again, because they no longer need to avoid any carnal sins.
The ecclesiastical stakes were not only horrendous but also absurd, because there was never one sinner who had to be punished by death.
Galilei would not have been imprisoned in that church dungeon, because his findings differing from the Bible are not a sin.
And the human being ... can then finally breathe freely and work on his spiritual awakening from now on without that mortal burden by loving all life, because there are no sins in himself or another to be seen either.
He can now look at his fellow human being as a soul which is free of sins and is like a companion on the cosmic journey to the All.
Adam and Eve
The Bible writers wanted to show that God created the human being, and this is why they made up the childish story of Adam and Eve.
They then immediately also built in the origin of the sins by allowing a cunning snake to creep in.
Since their God could still be angry, He could also kick his children out of his paradise.
The churches used this naive story in order to keep their power over the believers, because they could only be freed from the original sin via the church which the whole of mankind is continually burdened with through Adam and Eve.
In the article ‘cosmic grades of life’, the large evolution steps of our soul are described and the article ‘our first lives as a cell’ describes the actual first lives of the human soul on the first planet.
When that had evolved to the first grade of feeling, the human being removed himself from his paradise-like harmony by living it up outside the togetherness with his twin soul.
In this way, people did not take on the burden of sins, so they do not need to be washed away either by a baptism or to be reconciled by a Messiah as Lamb of God.
The holy virgin Mary
In order to allow Christ to escape from the original sin, the church performed stunts with various stories.
It thought up dogmas such as the ‘immaculate conception’ and ‘the virgin birth’, whereby Jesus was reportedly conceived without the intervention of a man.
Father Joseph was therefore not allowed to take part, the ‘Holy Spirit’ served and ‘overshadowed’ Mary.
Furthermore, Mary was declared sacrosanct and the holy virgin was ‘ascended into heaven’.
The basic powers of all life, motherhood and fatherhood, are put aside like that by the church for lies, which do not interpret a single spiritual reality.
The masters indicate that it is time that this Catholic nonsense is blown away by the spiritual reality.
Joseph and Mary had intercourse and Jesus experienced this conception and his birth in a completely natural way like all the life in the cosmos is given birth to and created by means of both motherhood and fatherhood.
However, for the church this is immoral, too really human, and dangerous because without those dogmas probably even less people would feel tied by the ecclesiastical stories.
Marrying God or Christ
There are people who, as a result of the ecclesiastical stories, think that they can marry God or Christ.
They consciously choose the celibate life and do not wish to become a mother and father for religious reasons.
In fact, as a result of this, they put all their eggs in one basket regarding their further evolution, namely during one life.
Because if they still need more lives on earth in order to dissolve their karma, then they remove themselves from that progress which can only be realised by means of motherhood.
The article ‘free will’ explains that the human being can devote his personal free will in order to become a priest or a nun for instance.
He can continue with this for lifetimes, and build up his feeling for this more and more strongly, until he ultimately reaches the highest for his thought-up holiness: papacy.
But is that also in accordance with the will of his soul?
After all, he is the furthest removed from the basic powers of his own soul: motherhood and fatherhood.
The way back is long and difficult, because every thought which is in conflict with those basic powers brings the personality further in the direction of the unnatural feeling and thinking of the celibate faith which is outside the reality of the cosmic evolution of our soul.
After all, when someone must still give back a body to another soul in order to dissolve karma, motherhood will still have to be experienced.
However, because people have removed themselves from this in thinking and feeling for lifetimes, it will also take many lifetimes before people are able again to feel and experience again the feeling of ‘motherhood and fatherhood’.
Furthermore, as a result of all the celibate lives people have brought themselves into disharmony with the total motherhood and fatherhood of mankind.
As a result of this, other mothers must give birth to more children, in order to allow the evolution of all souls on earth to continue.
That built-up disharmony with global parenthood will also have to be brought back into harmony again before people can enter the spheres of light in the Hereafter.
The masters of the University of Christ began via Moses to bring a faith to earth.
The human being needed that in order to begin with controlling his lusts, in order to stop killing other people.
While the faith at that time gave the human being a grasp for going towards the more rarefied feelings of his own soul, the faith nowadays has become an impediment for a great many people.
The question is then: how does their soul get them away from that faith again?
Because real spiritual progress only takes place by experiencing a reality, not by believing in it.
And precisely feeling openly and thinking independently were certainly not encouraged by a church which often used the faith of the human being in order to build up its own wealth and power.
For centuries, it sold the heavens and burned millions of disbelievers at the stake in order to retain its power.
Anyone who brought new thinking like Galilei was forced into silence by the Vatican, because his discovery went against the holy Bible.
The untruths in the Bible and the ecclesiastical stories will only disappear completely when the masters can speak to mankind by means of the direct voice instrument.
Then every believer will also hear the spiritual reality of our eternal soul.