Caiaphas -- Sources

Source texts from the books by Jozef Rulof for the article ‘Caiaphas’.
By Ludo Vrebos, based on the books by Jozef Rulof.
These sources presume the prior reading of the article ‘Caiaphas’.

The high priest who had Christ crucified

Caiaphas also stood for Christ and did not want to accept him as Messiah.
From your bible history you know how this high priest acted.
It is as a result of him and as a result of the others who stood at the head of the Jewish people, that Christ was nailed to the cross.
The Peoples of the Earth seen by the Other Side, 1941
Caiaphas and his people did not want to lose their power:
Happy to have finally got hold of their prey, the high priests hurried the process along.
They sentenced the Messiah to crucifixion and the trial was carried out with urgency.
They were afraid of losing their power as a result of him.
What Messiah?
This simple human being would be their Divine Master?
No, they refused to believe in him and his wonders, Caiaphas and his people.
They imagined themselves to be the kings of the Jews and did not want to put their powerful position in danger.
The Peoples of the Earth seen by the Other Side, 1941
Caiaphas defended his possessions and powerful position against Christ:
In this incoherent world, for these people who want nothing else than the wrong wanting and who still think that they are doing good – because they fight for the possession, their society – you stand and the Christ stood as a human being.
When He was beaten and was kicked, then He was a human being, a normal complete human being.
Then He was not a Deity, nothing more.
But here, in Himself, in His subconscious, in His soul, His spirit, His personality, there He is the God of all life.
There He is a human being, He lets himself be beaten.
We experienced and saw in the human history that always the highest authority – something which has spoken to society, to nature, to the millions of people of this world – has always been the bowing principle.
It is always the soft, always the acceptable, the life of feeling which carries, which serves, which absorbs you.
Those poor people there, who have taken the whip in their hands, who have accepted the execution for this society, for one human being there, that is devil’s work.
That is the violation, the violating, the descending into the human heart and turning around everything in there; absorbing the life into that, throwing it through society and letting the animal-like carry-on dance.
For what?
It is the not wanting to accept that a human word can contain truth.
It is the consciously knocking down, because this takes you to something else anyway, because when he gets this, then I will have lost this.
Lectures Part 1, 1950
Caiaphas used ‘the Lord’ in order to get rid of an opponent:
I had wanted to experience Gethsemane again, Caiaphas again, Pilate along with you in order to see: Caiaphas, Pilate, what should you have done with regard to the life?
You did not have to do with any Christ, you have to accept and to experience a human being here and you will not treat that human being unjustly.
You will have to devote your life, your personality for the grade of life which stands before you.
It does not concern the Christ here, the Deity from the Divine All, but it concerns bringing to awakening, leading to love and accepting the grade of life of the human being, the core which is present in this life.
The human being lives for this purpose and Pilate had to prove that.
And now Caiaphas, who says: “Kill Him, He is deforming the Lord.”
Oh, oh, oh ...
Because the human being does not understand the Lord, the human being has to be nailed to a cross, the human being has to be whipped?
Do you wish – I tell you – to cast out the human being, whom you do not understand?
Lectures Part 2, 1951

Reincarnations of Caiaphas

Master Zelanus describes the reincarnations of Caiaphas in order to explain his behaviour as Hitler in World War II:
I will also tell you the history of two of them, briefly, that of Pilate, and in a following chapter of Caiaphas, whose life you must know about, if you wish to be able to understand the great problems of your own time.
The Peoples of the Earth seen by the Other Side, 1941
When Caiaphas reincarnates, we see the same phenomena as with Judas and Pilate, the event on Golgotha dominates their inner life:
If the laws for life and death take place, he will also enter the world of the unconscious, to then go to the earth again.
Which feelings live in this human being?
They will soon reveal themselves.
Remorse, doubt and hatred with regard to the event on Golgotha live in him.
Of course, he does not understand these feelings in him.
What does he have to do with Golgotha?
The Peoples of the Earth seen by the Other Side, 1941
Nothing has changed in his inner self:
He now also becomes a priest.
Nothing has changed in his soul life, his inner self therefore drives him to the study for a priest.
Caiaphas does not understand anything about himself, there is continual disquiet in him, he does not feel in his place and finally flees from his surroundings, where he threatens to suffocate and sets off for Jerusalem, which has a strange but irresistible power of attraction for him.
The Peoples of the Earth seen by the Other Side, 1941
Just like Judas, Caiaphas also feels his past life arising, but the hatred for all life reigns within him:
He also keeps climbing Mount Calvary to meditate.
He is searching for something there.
But what is he searching for?
It is not clear to him.
And he also wanders through the streets of Jerusalem, but he is different to Judas, because he separates himself from the life of God.
Hatred for all the life of God which comes on his path reigns within him.
He feels like a starved wolf, consumed as he is by a power, which comes up from his subconscious and makes his life on Earth into a hell.
He does not dare to ask any questions, he is afraid of himself and of the thoughts and images which come up in him increasingly clearly and concern the events, which once took place in Jerusalem and which he knows himself to be connected to.
In this way he wanders round that whole life and he chastises himself in order to destroy those cursed feelings inside of him.
Then his end comes and he enters the world of the unconscious again.
The Peoples of the Earth seen by the Other Side, 1941
In his next life, he already starts to reflect on Golgotha:
Then he is born in the East.
Now he does not follow any study.
He goes to the past again and he searches for everything which the scriptures say about the events on Golgotha.
Something starts to awaken in him.
He passes all of his life searching and thinking.
Then he puts an end to it in a violent way.
The Peoples of the Earth seen by the Other Side, 1941
In his third life after Christ, he climbs Mount Calvary again:
The following life takes him back to Jerusalem again.
He climbs Mount Calvary and again experiences his searching and questioning there, but he is still one of the living dead.
There is no feeling in him, it is empty inside of him and yet it burns in his soul life.
The Peoples of the Earth seen by the Other Side, 1941
In his next lives too, there is little change because his past dominates:
He climbs up to the highest position, but he does not experience anything.
He does not master anything, since he cannot accept the life on Earth, because his inner life continues to dominate.
The Peoples of the Earth seen by the Other Side, 1941
He experiences his lives as a rabbi and merchant:
The Masters follow Caiaphas.
They see how he is a rabbi in one life and a merchant in the next.
The Peoples of the Earth seen by the Other Side, 1941
Within his inner self, he hears a voice speaking louder and louder:
If it is only somehow possible, he escapes his people and his environment and he goes back to Jerusalem.
That town attracts him; it also has a magical influence on him.
He cannot offer any resistance to these unprecedented powers.
He keeps thinking, so that in the end his past haunts his day consciousness.
The Peoples of the Earth seen by the Other Side, 1941
Sometimes he examines himself very seriously, he wants to know his inner self and then he sees Christ standing before him - but he does not go into that deeply, he quickly rejects everything!
It is a chaos in Caiaphas’ life, remorse burns in him and its fire consumes his inner being.
He hears a voice in him, which keeps saying:
‘Christ was the Messiah!
Christ was the Messiah!’
Even in sleep he hears the voice and he cannot close off his ears to it, the words attach themselves to him.
The Peoples of the Earth seen by the Other Side, 1941
He experiences poverty and wealth, passion and remorse and he cannot escape these murderous feelings.
Nevertheless, he remains unconscious, he only feels misery.
Caiaphas cannot become conscious in his own life.
One event dominates his life and he cannot free himself from it.
He hears it calling increasingly loudly in his soul: ‘Christ was the Messiah!’
He curses the words, but cannot free himself from them.
And again he puts an end to his earthly life.
The Peoples of the Earth seen by the Other Side, 1941
He cannot buy peace:
He experiences great well-being in this life.
However, there is one thing which he cannot buy with all his money: peace!
He descends into himself again and experiences the suffering and the remorse which burn there more than ever.
The Peoples of the Earth seen by the Other Side, 1941
Then he makes a remarkable discovery, when he turns against the behaviours of his fellow citizens:
When he goes into their haggling, their lying and cheating, he gains a remarkable experience.
By turning his back on their profiteering and haggling and denouncing the rotting of their life gauge, his own pains lessen and his remorse disappears for the most part.
Caiaphas goes into this and tries to analyse these feelings, but it is not possible for him to penetrate his subconscious.
However, it remains food for thought for him, how it is possible, that by going into the faults of his Jewish fellow citizens, he feels his terrible remorse sinking away inside him.
The Peoples of the Earth seen by the Other Side, 1941
He does not experience anything of the development of mankind:
Then his end on Earth comes again.
The centuries fly past.
Humanity evolves materially and spiritually, but Caiaphas does not experience any of it.
He waits in the world of the unconscious for the new birth.
The Peoples of the Earth seen by the Other Side, 1941

Hitler and his like

During World War II, Caiaphas finds himself as Hitler amongst his own kind:
Is it not amazing that history called Caiaphas back and along with him all the others who made history at Golgotha?
The rebels who broke, nailed and squandered the life of Christ?
Where do those people live, who thought they could rule over mankind?
They live in your midst!
The Peoples of the Earth seen by the Other Side, 1941
The son of Caiaphas, who found himself amongst the crowd, when Christ was brought before Pilate, whose Sacred Body was sullied, incited it in order to destroy Christ.
‘Crucify him, crucify him!’ he shouted hysterically then.
This mentality now also lives in your midst.
Caiaphas and his beloved son also found each other in this life. Mother Earth, the laws of God, Christ, Jerusalem and Golgotha brought them together.
Who is it?
Your tar brush, your demonic propagandist, the animal-like brood of the German people, Dr. Goebbels!
And along with him all the others, also he who raised his spear, quenched Christ’s thirst with edik?? and a result of this had to accept his curse.
His present name?
The Peoples of the Earth seen by the Other Side, 1941
Caiaphas therefore finds himself amongst his own kind, the kind which also lived in Jerusalem.
The Peoples of the Earth seen by the Other Side, 1941

The Caiaphas as character trait

Master Zelanus gave for instance the following two lectures:
You will get ‘The Caiaphas and the human being’, and, ‘Jerusalem and the human being’.
Lectures Part 1, 1950
He poses the question to his audience what they would do if they, like Christ, were faced with Caiaphas:
When we have experienced Jerusalem, when we have been there before Caiaphas and he has beaten us left and right, straight in our face, he puts the dagger in the middle of our heart ...
We start to feel the betrayal, the self-preservation, the possession, the fear of losing his personality, of having to let go of the task which he does not understand and place it in the hands of the best, the higher, the clearer, the natural knowing, feeling and thinking.
Yes, then you get a beating, then the world gets a beating.
I tell you: we are faced with thousands, millions of problems, for the faith, for society.
Yes, what do you do, what do you want, what do you feel, how do you think?
Lectures Part 1, 1950
Caiaphas says as it were:
“I built something here for myself and I will let that be beaten from my hands there by a Rabbi like that, a dreamer like that?”
Lectures Part 1, 1950
After Pilate, Christ goes to the unconscious religious danger:
And now here – there are more of those people, more of those worlds – now everything, all that other and wrong charges at the one, only good.
And now the Christ can ... now He is that far, now the human being is that far, now Jerusalem is here, Jerusalem has already touched us, Jerusalem says: “What do you want, do you want to rule here?” ...
Now it is that far, now He is lead away and now He goes to the unconscious religious danger.
Lectures Part 1, 1950
Christ brought new foundations:
I will lay new foundations.
Why do you not go from this ... why do you not go out of this path?
Why do you not step next to what the world received?
Why do you not go a little bit away for me?
I come with the new.”
Lectures Part 1, 1950
Christ devoted his life to driving the dogmas from the then faith to a higher becoming conscious:
Christ thinks, the Human Being thinks: but my God, how do I get that man, how do I get that dogma, those feelings of those people to a higher becoming conscious?
I will have to let myself be beaten again, but I will say it.
I will say it to him that it is I, that I possess the contact with nature, father, mother, with the God of all life, God as spirit, God as son, and God as father.
But Christ knows: God as mother says everything!
Lectures Part 1, 1950
In the present time too, there are people like Caiaphas who awaken their acquired position in society:
Caiaphas is the head.
And what should Caiaphas have done now?
What does your feeling say?
What does the human being do, what does society do, what does this mass-personality do?
You now go and stand before your own field of learning.
You return to the human thinking of your own time and then you are suddenly faced with your university.
And then you are a student, you climb up and checkmate your professor, you know more, you feel deeper.
And then he says: “Go away, it is I.”
Lectures Part 1, 1950
It concerns the personality which does not give up its place for the new awakening:
Thousands of students, academics were killed – do you not know that? – when the teachings begun, when the human being received his inventions, because one human being who had it did not want to give up his place for the new.
And now you are still standing still – and that is Caiaphas.
Now you can build up a science; you are a master in art, you are a Bach, but now a Mozart comes, now a Beethoven comes and says ...
And now a Bach must be able to accept: yes, that is true, that is more rarefied, that is soul, that is spirit.
But Caiaphas cannot do that.
And now the Christ lays down spatial foundations for eternity, when He was faced with the Caiaphas, and then He just had to surrender.
What do the masses learn, what does the human being learn from this moment, these dealings of the Christ?
Is it not true that you still live in that destruction, that you are still faced with the old, the unconscious – and the new?
Is it not true that the new is not accepted, that the new doctor who comes there and makes an invention, that people say: “Just lock him up, just kill him, he is a madman.”
It is only now that this struggle begins.
It is only after 1950 that it must begin, because the world asks for a new consciousness.
The world now starts to see the Caiaphas.
Lectures Part 1, 1950
For the sake of religion, people can fight against alleged dangers:
But there it is, the Messiah has given that proof, you are faced with your religion.
You feel more, you are deeper, and you have a higher becoming conscious, because you are an evolution process.
You lay foundations which take you back to the Divine All.
Do you not?
What does the Caiaphas say?
“We must kill this Human Being, that will become the danger for our religion.”
Here you have it, this is the destruction in which you still live.
This is the dead point for the human history, religion ...
Lectures Part 1, 1950
Two thousand years later, Caiaphas still flourishes rampantly as a character trait:
Two thousand years have passed and the Caiaphas still lives there, the Caiaphas is still on a pedestal.
Everyone who accepts a task for the world and who holds back the development of this mankind by means of art, by means of justice, science, they represent the life of feeling of the Caiaphas.
Lectures Part 1, 1950
A high hat and emeralds are not left behind just like that:
What do they not want to lose?
The Christ said: “You will lose your life and then you will receive Mine.”
No, that gold, that seat there, that seat and that coat and that top hat, those emeralds on the finger, which you can kiss like that, it is that!
Lectures Part 1, 1950
Caiaphas violated the higher thought:
Caiaphas showed: do not violate the higher thought which can take you to Jerusalem.
Lectures Part 1, 1950
Everyone who wants to be life, light and love comes across the current Caiaphas:
Caiaphas taught you how you have to learn to think, if you want to return to Gethsemane.
Do you want to go and stand before your king, your fatherland, your church and sovereign?
You have nothing to do with a church and sovereign; it is you yourself, if your thoughts have accepted the Divine line, have understood the harmony, when you want to be: life, light and love.
Lectures Part 1, 1950
The Caiaphas in the current society only understands lying and deception:
You will soon learn to accept that you achieve more when you are silent, than you now do for the world, because everything which has to do with this world and is understood – can you understand this? – that has to do with destruction.
That has to do with lying and deception.
That is Caiaphas-like, you do not allow that, that does not want to approve that you bring a new order, a higher thinking and feeling.
That is not possible, you must be destroyed.
Lectures Part 1, 1950
It begins with wondering how much Caiaphas consciousness still lives within ourselves:
First you will – we will experience that together, because we take ourselves back to the highest Masters on the Other Side, to Christ, to the Divine All – we will first have to ask in ourselves: “Which stones as character traits have no light?
What am I like as a mother?
What am I like as a friend?
What am I like as a sister and a brother?
Do I still snap, do I still snarl?”
Do you keep on wanting to be right when you are not right?
Lectures Part 2, 1951
The art is to let the Caiaphas characteristics within us die:
And the Caiaphas is now behind bars, I took him prisoner, he does not even get dry bread with water, he will die.
Lectures Part 3, 1952
And to allow the Christ consciousness in us to awaken:
Therefore know: your whole society is lying and deception, but do not violate yourself.
Be the Messiah, as man and wife, become it, remain it and it is only then that you will walk a path which takes you straight to the Spheres of Light.
To the Garden of Eden?
To the Divine kingdom in you, because the Christ, the Messiah awakens in you.
Lectures Part 1, 1950