Good and evil -- Sources

Source texts from the books by Jozef Rulof for the article ‘good and evil’.
By Ludo Vrebos, based on the books by Jozef Rulof.
These sources presume the prior reading of the article’ good and evil’.

Earthly thinking

The masters ask the philosophical question:
Was evil created?
What is evil?
Archives, 1945
They followed the past of many souls in order to research where we passed on to disharmonic actions for the first time.
The masters observed that the human being already committed a murder for the first time in his cosmic evolution on the planet Mars, before his evolution on earth.
The articles ‘our consciousness on Mars’ and ‘cosmic grades of life’ give a description of the life on Mars for the human soul.
In human terms, the first evil originated there.
It is still not conscious human evil such as on earth, because the human being on Mars still did not really realize that he murdered another person by means of his deed:
“Do these laws of life already have the meaning here which they got on Earth for the adult and conscious human stage?”
“No, this life is still not that far.”
“And yet, you see it, the human soul reached good and evil.
She began with this on this planet.
Archives, 1945
But how could this happen, because up to this moment in the evolution of the soul it had remained in harmony.
All the life that was created by God can be called divine, in the sense that it received the fundamental characteristics of God, such as the ability to love.
How can we then reach evil as divine life?
God gave us His love.
We are love!
How is it possible now, that we as Gods would commit evil?”
“Because the All-Concept still had to awaken in our life for the materialised Divinity.”
Archives, 1945
We received the ability to love, but we need seven grades of feeling in order to consciously master that love:
Good and evil laws of life for the Divine Being in order to reach love.
What are they like on Earth?
Every law possesses its seven grades of life.
Archives, 1945
On Mars only the pre-animal-like grade of life can be followed, it is only on earth that the higher grades of feeling reach awakening:
We will follow and analyse that, we are only capable of that on Earth because the pre-animal grade lives here.
Archives, 1945
The good can be seen as experiencing love, even if the grade of feeling is still pre-animal-like:
What the highest Masters want is the penetrating of this reality for us.
We must analyse these laws.
But later, when we are on Earth.
Good and evil originated on this planet.
However, good is the experiencing of the Divine love for the grade of life to which we belong, which is pre-animal here.
Archives, 1945
When the human being committed a murder, his soul ensures that the lives come back into harmony with each other:
Now this life returns, these lives have reached harmony again with the Divine Creation, and both the cause and effect have been experienced.
Where do good and evil remain now?
Archives, 1945
The good has then triumphed.
The good can be considered as a certain degree of love:
Good is so many percent of power of feeling of love.
Good is love and wants to represent Divine love according to the Divine Harmonic laws for soul and material, and also for the Macro cosmos.
Archives, 1945
In the pre-animal-like grade of feeling, the human being can only experience a certain level of all the love which is present in potential in his soul:
The laws of reality as rights of life for the human soul take us of course in natural ways to the Divine Creation plan.
Now good and evil are an expression of life at a pre-animal attunement.
By doing good, we are in harmony with the Divine Love for the deed or action committed, which happened of our own free will.
And now we experience a part of our Divinity, so many percent of love, justice, being good, harmony, as a material revelation.
Archives, 1945
Even if people experience the pre-animal-like love at one hundred percent, it is still just a small part of the divine love which the soul has received in potential.
I see good and evil and experience these Divine laws.
Because being good is a law of life.
Committing evil is the disharmonic law for good.
Good and evil together are one law and for God will have to be: love!
To what extent is this love experienced on this planet?
If love is experienced at a hundred percent, then it is still attuned in a pre-animal-like way.
What is the final limit, the ultimate experiencing of this?
That the human soul on the planet Mars only experienced evolution and has no concept of good and evil, will never receive it, because this planet only created the pre-animal grade of life.
Archives, 1945
Wanting to possess is a strong motive:
Committing evil in this state is unconsciously wanting to possess something which draws us.
Archives, 1945
On earth this will become much larger and more conscious:
However, there is a continuing, the planet Earth was also born because of our life.
It is there that we experience conscious evil.
Archives, 1945
But the essential will remain the same:
Are the laws different now, Master André?”
“There has been no change in anything, Master.”
Archives, 1945
Because there is more consciousness on earth, the soul will have to give more love in order to bring itself back into harmony with all the life:
“Is the deed exactly the same, Master Zelanus?”
“Yes, Master, with this difference, that the soul must give more love, if she wants to bring herself into harmony for her Divinity.”
Archives, 1945
We are on our way to the All-Consciousness in love:
“That means that the higher we come to God, the more feeling we also possess in order to stabilise the laws of justice?”
“We are Macrocosmic, Master.”
“Truly, my brothers, it is true.
By means of these laws, we return to our materialised Divinity.
If we want to represent our Divinity, then we must go through these laws!
We must master them because they belong to our life.
It does not matter here and for the Earth how we do that, it does not actually have any meaning of the All-Consciousness of our beings, because we must follow the love anyway, and life propels us forward and inspires us.
Archives, 1945
However, on earth good and evil have become a misconception:
By means of the former wisdom, we now experience every earthly, therefore material fault.
The Divine being cannot escape it, wrong things were done here.
I ask you: why was Christ not on Mars?
Why did Christ only visit Mother Earth?
The answer is:
The Earth represents the highest consciousness of this Universe.
This means that the planets of this Universe are experienced by lower grades of consciousness.
Because of this Christ could not do anything for these people.
And yet this life would probably have received Him differently, because it still lived naturally and had no concept of good and evil, which has become a misconception for the Earth and has caused dreadful conflicts.
Archives, 1945
The earthly being still does not know that his soul does not let itself be taken off its cosmic orbit by anything:
The material and astral laws got independence by means of this.
The soul continued to dominate them in all the grades of life and mastered that universe.”
Archives, 1945

At soul level

The masters have seen that by means of its cosmic evolution the soul ultimately only creates more space and awakening, and not lasting disharmony.
In the course of that evolution, the soul repairs every disharmony, and as a result rehabilitates its life.
It does not know any good or evil:
“God created us according to His image, Master André.
We got to know the infinity of God, we were already in the Divine All.
This is God’s Image.
Space, evolution, awakening for all these laws of life, which we would master by means of fatherhood and motherhood.
There is neither good nor evil, there is only LOVE!
The supreme law of life created by God is that we must love all this life.
What do evil and good mean to us?
Nothing, actually.
We must rectify the disharmonic law anyway, which was created by us; by means of this, our existence will be rehabilitated and we will get hold of the higher awakening for the material and astral life, but will see our life expanded precisely because of that.
Archives, 1945
Evil was never created, the human being brought itself temporarily into disharmony with life, but the soul restores that by means of love:
There is therefore no evil, God did not create evil, but the soul as human being created a disharmonic law.
Whatever evil we commit as conscious beings of the Earth and here in a pre-animal state, we must repair the disharmony from this by means of Divine love, it is only then that our life will go further.
Archives, 1945
At soul level the masters can say:
Good and evil do not exist!
Archives, 1945
If no good exists, we cannot do good or make amends either.
At soul level, we can only say: we are!
And the harmonic properties of our ‘are’ can be examined:
The Cosmology deeply penetrates these laws of life.
We as Gods are not capable of doing good, we are!
And our ‘are’ means that we must remain in harmony with the Divinity in us.
Archives, 1945
On earth people speak of good and evil:
Good and evil for the human soul is the born good of the Earth.
But Christ did not intend this ‘good’.
By means of His Holy Life, God brought us to Divine Love.
Archives, 1945
There is no good and evil!
Christ brought the Divine Love to Earth, so the whole of mankind could have known it.
Archives, 1945
The books by Jozef Rulof also begin with the human thinking in good and evil, so that the reader knows what the masters want to talk about:
And yet people speak there about good and evil.
We also talked about that in our writings.
And it was necessary, because not one soul of the Earth had understood us.
Archives, 1945
However, at soul level these terms expire because they do not illustrate any spiritual reality:
However, now that we must experience the Cosmology for good and evil, we stand before both the Divine laws and the Divine Love.
And the evil also immediately falls away from our life and we stay amidst this Divine evolution, as man and wife, as twin souls, who will represent the Divine Love.
Archives, 1945
Then everything becomes evolution:
God did not create any evil and we people were not able to experience evil either.
What we perceive here is evolution.
Archives, 1945
There is no longer any talk either about dying, beating to death and murder:
Even if we lose our material garment because of this, no dying originated anyway: the soul lives on and returns.
How is it possible then that we can speak about dying and manslaughter, murder and such things?
Do we mean to say by this that at that moment we rape a Divine law, sully His Life or destroy the Divine spark in us for eternity?
Archives, 1945
The earthly terms ‘good and evil’ do not have the power to destroy our soul or take it upwards:
What do good and evil mean now for my eternal life?
How must I reach the spiritual consciousness, if I am already called to the Divine halt here?
If your life is ready to perceive this, then you can immediately determine that good and evil do not exist for the soul as human being!
No legislative reality is used by the human being of the Earth, but words are used to express something, but which by no means determine for the Divine Cosmology that they destroy us or elevate our life to God, because they do not possess that meaning.
Archives, 1945
Conscious and unconscious do not exist either, there are indeed grades of consciousness, but like good and evil they will be surpassed and dissolve in the divine love:
Good and evil, whether conscious or unconscious, do not exist!
Even if they are pre-animal or humanly material, the Divine love in our life will overwhelm them.
They are only shadows of this materialised personality, appendages, which are survived.
Archives, 1945
It is only by means of love that we go higher:
Thousands of grades of life originated.
As a Divine soul, we began with good and evil?
We could only experience love.
By experiencing love as a law, we went further.
Love is the highest and the supreme.
By means of love we blessed our Divine life and we immediately stood before another grade of life.
We went further and higher!
Archives, 1945
It is only in the seventh grade that the soul fully experiences its love:
You can see, by means of the grades of life and rights of life for the human soul, we reach the Mars consciousness at a pre-animal attunement.
And now there is neither good nor evil.
Nor for the Earth, because the act committed knows its own seven grades, before the soul experiences it according to the Divine Revelations and is in harmony with Divine creation, the Divinity of her being.
And those grades of life can only be experienced on Earth, but then the soul enters Golgotha through Christ and bows her head to her Divinity.
She can then say: I am like God is, because I have bowed my head to my Divinity!
Archives, 1945
When the soul experiences its love for a hundred percent in a particular grade of life, it can pass on to a following grade:
Now the deed is attuned to love and the soul can experience the following grade of life, for which she prepared herself.
What the highest Masters are showing me and I can see before me according to the Divine Revelations and my Divine attunement are laws of life!
And I must experience those laws at a hundred percent according to the principle created by God as legislative power and highest expression of life, which is love, for which I live and by means of which my life is enriched.
Archives, 1945
The good and evil are situated under the spiritual grade of feeling:
You cannot escape the good and evil of the Earth, but they have another meaning.
These laws are sub-divided character traits of a grade of life which lives ‘under’ the spiritual law of life; and which we must master?
Archives, 1945
We do not need to master a grade of feeling, that is already potentially present in our soul.
At soul level, we are materially condensing the rarefied life of our soul:
Must we master that law, Master André?”
We must condense the Divinity of our life materially.”
“Do you hear this Cosmically conscious answer, Master Zelanus?
Archives, 1945
By means of the basic powers of our soul, we allow our life to grow and to condense.
As a result, our life of feeling expands and we create our own creation:
We condensed our Divine life.
This is the Divine and is our own creation.
We are busy condensing and expanding, embellishing, adorning our Divinity, because we departed from Him, the God of all life, to whom we belong.
We will return to Him as materialised Gods!
Archives, 1945
By condensing our life, we will come into harmony with every grade of life:
What is now good and evil for the God-Being?
Neither good nor evil were born through Him, He is busy deifying himself in a condensed state, which He will rule over, because it is His world and universe.
These are our Divine laws, which inspire the love for all the grades of life and now we have reached harmony with the grade of life in which we find ourselves at that moment.
Archives, 1945
By condensing our life, we materialize our All-Soul.
We began as invisible energy, and we materialize that into colour and light in our cosmic evolution:
And that is God as Father and as Mother, as the All-Soul!
What is high, low, good and evil, darkness and light?
They are phenomena of our Divinity, which now have to represent an own grade of life for our life and to serve us.
I tell you: what you perceive in all the universes of God belongs to me!
But I still have to materialise the higher character traits.
And I do not know them, because from my God-being I went as an astral being.
And that invisible energy must materialise itself.
Archives, 1945