Psychology -- Sources

Source texts from the books by Jozef Rulof for the article ‘psychology’.
By Ludo Vrebos, based on the books by Jozef Rulof.
These sources presume the prior reading of the article ‘psychology’.

Material thinking

Psychology talks about the subconscious, but still cannot gauge the depth of it:
You talk about life and death, society, you talk about consciousness and subconsciousness, university, academic, theologian, psychologist, psychiatrist, but you do not know yourself.
Lectures Part 3, 1952
The consciousness of psychology is still material:
On earth, back in this society, you are faced with the human being.
The human being has accepted a task, he has given himself consciousness and that consciousness is only material.
All the arts and sciences represent that personality, which feels material here.
You feel and you understand now that psychology for the inner being still has to begin.
The psychologist cannot yet give you those truths of life, he himself is still unconscious.
Lectures Part 2, 1951

Inspiration of the material

Psychology still does not know the soul as reincarnating inner life:
But science says: ‘The human being as soul comes to earth for the first time at birth.’
We are in a mess.
That is how deep and conscious psychology is now.
A psychologist, if that man is a doctor and also a professor, then he is still up against a brick wall, he does not know the human being, does not know himself.
Questions and Answers Part 4, 1952
Where do you come from?
The university, the psychologist does not believe in reincarnation.
The child which is now born with the mother, is precisely five seconds old today.
There is no reincarnation.
Questions and Answers Part 5, 1950
It is explained to Jozef Rulof (Jeus) that the human being asks the psychologist in vain what his inner self is like.
The human being, Jeus, wants to know everything about another on Earth, but nothing about himself.
The human being always looks at another, sees his mistakes, but nothing of himself.
And I look and see first what is wrong with me and then I look at the people.
Oh, Jeus, you can learn from the people how it should not be done!
And that does not cost a cent.
The people go to a psychologist in order to ask that man what they are like inside.
And from every character trait you know how pathetic you still are, and you do not need an academic for that either.
Those people do not know themselves.
Our school, Jeus, takes us to ourselves!
The Cosmology of Jozef Rulof Part 4, 1944
When the psychologists have got to know the soul by means of the masters of the Other Side, in this way they will be able to help many people:
The masters of the Other Side will help the psychologists by means of the technical instruments in informing the masses.
The Peoples of the Earth seen by the Other Side, 1941